The 30/30 Project

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Help us Build a Maternity Ward This Holiday Season

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The 30/30 Project is proud to announce our latest partnership with Mother Health International (MHI) to fund and build a much needed labor and delivery facility in Atiak, Uganda.  In Northern Uganda, a woman has a 1-in-25 lifetime chance of dying in childbirth. The impact of maternal loss in particular has ripple effects on all children in a family, with the burden falling highest on young girls who must fill a mother's’ absence. The primary focus of MHI is prevention of perinatal mortality for both mother and baby. In drastically reducing maternal mortality they increase the overall ability of a family to thrive. In over 10,000 deliveries at the MHI clinic they have never lost a mother, and this in a country with one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world.

Because of an influx of refugees from South Sudan, in the past two years alone the birth rate in Atiak, Uganda has nearly doubled.  With limited facility space, women are spending significant portions of their postpartum stay on the floor.  The image above shows a row of eight women who all delivered their babies on the same night at the birth center.  With only four delivery rooms, these women were forced to swap out and sleep on the floor to make room for the next laboring women.

In an effort to accommodate the increased need, the 30/30 Project and Construction for Change plan to build a labor and delivery facility. This new structure will allow for three additional inpatient beds, a postpartum unit with 4-6 beds, and a central room for visiting families.  Additionally, we plan to build a small differentiated space for pregnant mothers who are treated for malaria. The expanded units will fold into an already active clinic with strong community buy-in and proven financial sustainability. These additions will substantially increase service to the hundreds of women a month that need critical antenatal care and a safe, dignified and culturally competent delivery.100% of December donations will go directly toward  the construction of a state-of-the-art facility. Will you join us in raising $75,000 in these last two months of 2018 to make this maternity ward a reality? CLICK HERE to donate today.